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Picture Outlines Extractor

This online tool can automatically outline JPG, PNG, BMP pictures and extract their edges as vector graphics (SVG) by simply uploading. The software application works in a web browser without the need to download, install and register.

Image Contours Extractor

Drag and Drop
Click the Browse button to select file from your device.
Press Ctrl+V to paste an image from clipboard.
Use a sample image

Elapsed: 0

About the Outlines Extractor

Picture Outline Extractor is a free online software tool that can draw object contours quickly and easily on any photo. This image application allows extraction of outlines from photographs and illustrations in the form of vector graphics via SVG file export.

Contour extraction is achieved by a combination of different image processing algorithms, such as the Canny edge detector. Automatic tracing of image contours, no software installation and results are ready like a bullet in a gate.

This free image tool helps to easily contour and vectorize company logos, photos and illustrations.

Configuration options

The contour extractor gives satisfactory results even with the default settings. However, it provides several configuration options that you can use to fine-tune the resulting contours and edges.

ColorUse the color picker to change the coloring of the outlines
Stroke sizeThe slider changes the thickness of contour lines
BlurChange the blur slider to set the degree of smoothness of the edges
CurvatureControls the level of curvature of the contours
ThresholdThe Threshold slider controls the amount of edge lines to display. A larger value results in fewer outlines
The Picture Outliner settings overview

How to outline an image

Time needed: 1 minute

Use the below steps to outline an image in a few clicks.

  1. Upload a photo or illustration

    Use the Browse button to select a JPG, BMP, PNG, WEBP or other for processing.

  2. Select the line width

    Use the Stroke size slider to adjust the thickness of the lines

  3. Adjust the edge blur

    The Blur slider controls the level of a low-pass Gaussian filter to remove noise from the image. This affects the edges of the image, so larger values result in fewer contour lines.

  4. Select curvature level

    The Curvature option controls the complexity and smoothness of vector lines.

  5. Eliminate weak contours

    Set a desired threshold value to eliminate some of the edges of the image and leave only the most dominant ones.

  6. Export as vector graphics

    Once you’re done, just click the Export SVG button to save the image as a vector graphic. You can view the resulting image in your favorite web browser such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox or another. For additional image editing, you can use your favorite SVG editor.

Example Results

The image below represents contour extraction from an example photo.

outline picture of toy policeman
Extracting contours from a photo of a toy policeman

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